The Journey

Transitioning to the Spa Industry

Today, I chose to share with you an actual journal entry from 2014.  You see, July 2014 was when I officially transitioned to the spa and wellness industry.  Therefore, it was a must that I document my thoughts and feelings about this huge moment in my life.  And it reads…

Ke’Anna’s Thoughts:  Sunday, 27 July 2014

“This is the year of “New Beginnings” for me!  In June, my family and I were finally able to move back to Georgia where it feels like home!  I will begin working at Natural Body Spa & Shop, TOMORROW!!!  I actually cannot believe it, really!!!!  This past Wednesday (23 July 2014) I had an interview with the Spa Director and after two hours of us talking I got the job as a Spa Coordinator.  For the first time in four years I finally feel like I am moving towards my dream, my goal of owning my own day spa!  God is awesome and He does work in mysterious ways!  The initial plan was to continue working my government job from home but clearly that was not God’s will.  He had something better planned for me that would allow me to do what I love, what I was passionate about.  It is true, when one door closes another one opens.  

I am so thankful to God for giving me this opportunity and allowing me to walk in my purpose & destiny.  He knows my heart & I will continue to follow Him and ask for His guidance while on this journey!  Although this new position as Spa Coordinator may not pay nearly as much as my previous position, the main difference is my heart is in it and my passion has come alive!  Finally, I can say I am doing what I love, but I’m not finished yet!  God is preparing me to become that successful spa owner I aspire to be.  I can, and I will with His help!  The best is yet to come!”

It brings my heart great joy to be able to go back and reread my journal entries and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share them with you to help prove we are all on a journey!  This was 8 years ago!  Wow!  It just proves that greatness takes time & today I have learned to not only trust, but to ENJOY the process!

Some important points to mention:

  • I transitioned when the time was right for me, not when I wanted to necessarily
  • I took a major pay cut to follow my passion & purpose 
  • I was like a sponge and wanted to learn it all
  • I was very open and honest from the very beginning about my long term goal of becoming a spa owner one day
  • For the first time since 2010 I felt like I was finally headed in the right direction for my future

Below, I’m sharing one of my favorite pictures that illustrates me “doing what I love!” It was the beginning of an adventure! You can see the smile & joy on my face…and my second born son was in my belly! Because of this, it will always remain as one of my favorite “journey” pics of all time!

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…” Zec. 4:10 (NLT)