The Journey

All Things Are Working…

Hello everyone and welcome back! I would just like to say how grateful I am of you for taking time out of your day to read my blog posts about this crazy journey I’m on!  It truly has been quite an adventure and sharing it with you in hopes of encouraging you in some way is what brings me joy!  It keeps me going and it means a lot!  Let this be a reminder to you that no matter what journey you’re on, personally, know that you are not alone.  We are in this together and I truly do believe that we can accomplish anything we put our minds to and if we stay willing to do the work!!

This week’s topic, as you may have noticed, is not as specific as my last couple of posts.  However, it carries a lot of weight and it is the truth!  Yesterday, I found out some information about the thing I’ve been waiting on for 9 weeks now…yes 9 weeks!  It was great news and proved to me that things are working even if you don’t see it.  I promise I’ll be able to share all of the details with you soon but I’ve found one thing to be true on the entrepreneurial journey…you must be able to discern when it is the right time to share specific things with your audience.  Not because you don’t want anyone to know but you have to protect some things and discern when it is the right time to share.

Just to give you some context, this process I’m enduring now was estimated to take about 6 weeks.  So when the six week mark hit, every week that passed after that mark seemed like an eternity.  Especially when you find yourself being asked constantly by certain stakeholders, do you have an update?  What’s the latest?  Your mind begins to wonder, which leads to overthinking, which then leads to anxiety, negative thoughts…yep, all of the things.  I get it, we’re human but it’s during these times that we must remember to lean into our faith more and remember the promise.  I don’t know about you but God gave me a promise years ago and confirmed His promise early this year so I lean into that during those days when my wondering / worrying mind gets the best of me!

I wanted to encourage you today & remind you that ALL THINGS ARE WORKING TOGETHER FOR YOUR GOOD!  Don’t give up hope.  Don’t lose your faith.  Don’t stress your mind when things seem to take longer than expected.  If it’s God’s will it WILL HAPPEN.  I know it’s easier said than done but we have no other choice but to believe that it can, and it will happen!  It’s true, we’re all on our separate journey’s but we all need some encouragement along the way!  God is never late.  He is working even when we’re sleeping.  Trust the plan and live everyday with expectancy!

Be blessed, stay well and I’ll see you next week!