The Journey

Things I Consider When Choosing Vendor-Partner Relationships

Hi there!  I don’t know about you but this holiday weekend was crazy and full of fun all at the same time!  I had a blast with my family and I hope you, too, were able to take some time off to relax and spend time with the ones you love!

During last week's post I mentioned all the things I’ve been working on while I continue to undergo this funding process.  One of the things I mentioned was “researching equipment and product vendors.”  After I mentioned it I thought it may be a good idea to talk about the things I consider when choosing vendors for my spa business.  Truth be told, this is something I’ve been thinking about since I transitioned to the industry in 2014.  I always knew that one day the time would come for me to start making those calls and deciding who I would like to partner with.  Well, the time is now and I couldn’t be more grateful for the experience I’ve gained to help me with this decision!  If I’m completely honest with you I have to admit…I already have a list of vendors I want to work with and it’s been a running list for quite some time now!

Let’s just cut to the chase!  Here are some things I consider when choosing vendor-partners for my spa business:

*Who is behind the brand? – I want to know who is behind the brand (founder/owner), the history of the brand, and their story of how they began.  It’s important to me that I do my own personal research to learn about the company before I do business with them.

*Does it align with my vision/mission? – Super important.  If the brand doesn’t align with my vision and mission then it’s a no go for me!  This even includes the look and feel of their products!  If it supports my vision, mission, and goals, then I can move forward with the hopes of working together. 

*Communication & Training. – How well is the communication with the brand?  Do they provide ongoing training?  This is important because both play a major role in the overall success for both parties!  Before doing business I must ensure communication is timely, concise, and consistent.  Training, for major brands such as skin care, must be provided as well to help ensure success for not only my business but the vendor as well! 

*Order Fulfillment. – Can ongoing purchase orders be provided when needed?  This is important because you don’t want to do business with a vendor who cannot fulfill orders in a timely manner!  Find out the lead time on orders and if there are any requirements for new purchase orders as well so you can plan accordingly.

*Overall Quality & Effectiveness of Product. – Let’s just be honest.  No one wants a product that does not work.  Choosing to do business with vendors who can prove the effectiveness of their product is always a good choice and should be considered!  People want good, high-quality products that work.  It’s just that simple!

*Diversity & Representation. – This is important to me, both personally & professionally!  For brands I’m considering I always look to see if it’s well diverse, including people from all backgrounds and ethnicities.  Representation matters so this is definitely something I seek when choosing brands to work with!  

*Marketing/Support. – When choosing brands to work with I begin with the mindset of creating a long-term relationship versus a transactional relationship alone.  Therefore, I determine what type of marketing support is offered, if any!  This is important because it helps to ensure success not only for my business but theirs as well, creating a win-win relationship!  Having marketing material provided to help educate guests and staff is always a good thing and should definitely be considered!  

There you have it!  The list can go on but these are definitely the top things I, as an aspiring owner, consider when choosing who I do business with!  I hope you found this helpful in some way!  If so, I would be happy to hear about it! 

I look forward to continuing our journey together!  Keep expecting the unexpected to happen!  Good news is still on the way!!!  Don’t quit!  We are closer than we think!!!  See you next week!