The Journey

There Is Purpose In The Pause

So, here I am.  Taking a pause so I could gather myself, my thoughts, and seek more direction from God.  Of course, when things don’t work out how we expected we feel defeated, crushed, confused, unmotivated to keep going, and hopeless.  Let me just pause here and say, it’s okay to live in that moment (and trust me I did) but we can’t stay there forever!  Although it felt like I was being buried, I was actually being planted in richer soil for greater fruit, a very profound message I got from the book Crushing by T.D. Jakes.  I thought about giving up on it all but something deep down on the inside wouldn’t let me!

During my pause I continued to show up for monthly meetings with my community.  I also continued to read personal development books & industry publications as well to keep the pulse of the industry.  After much quiet time and a whole lot of prayer I started to feel that it was time to expand my connections so around September of 2022 I joined a Global Wellness Institute (GWI) Women in Leadership initiative to stay connected, to keep learning, and contribute where I could.  Soon after, in October I felt that I was being moved to begin sharing my journey and in my mind I could clearly see it in long story blog form.  This took me by surprise and I knew nothing about blogs!  I also must point out that I NEVER had any intentions of sharing my story before the spa was in operation.  However, I knew this was something I had to do although it was extremely uncomfortable.  

At the top of the year, on January 11, 2023 we launched my site!  I was SUPER proud of myself for making this happen to help and inspire others who are also on their journeys to fulfill their destiny!  I was taking inspired action, believing by faith that one day this Aspiring Spa Owner will become THEE Spa Owner that I’ve dreamed of for so long!  I didn’t know if anyone would read it but if it can help at least one person then it was and is worth it! 

It’s true, my plan was to open in 2022 but that did not happen.  This “pause” that lasted nearly 7 months (end of May 2022 - December 2022) was necessary!  I didn’t understand it then but I understand it better today.  Believe me when I say “There is Purpose in the Pause!” 

It was during the “pause” that more clarity was provided.  It was during the “pause” that major lessons were realized.  It was during the “pause” that God was further preparing not only me but my audience as well for what is still to come.  It was during the “pause” that my blog site was birthed allowing me to share my journey to inspire others.  It was during the “pause” that my faith & courage was increased.  It was during the “pause” that my strategy was further developed & strengthened.  So, I tell you there is purpose in the pause and it will all work for your good in the end!  

If you don’t remember anything remember this:  Delay is not denial!  Your crushing moment is not the end but the beginning of something new that’s bigger than you can imagine!  Stay the course!  Keep moving, keep pushing and never ever stop believing!

I guess I have to tell you what happened after my pause next week so be sure to come back because this story keeps getting better and better!!!  You don’t want to miss it!