The Journey

Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands...

Hey there! Great lesson learned in this post & I can't wait to share it with you but first let’s do a quick recap of my journey thus far…

In 2010 at the age of 25 the dream was planted in my heart and this was the time I discovered my purpose:  helping others take care of themselves.  Then, I did what I could with what was available to me to keep my dream alive.  After discovering a brand I absolutely loved I made a plan to go the franchise route and I was sticking to it!  Then, in 2014 I finally was able to transition to the spa industry to begin doing what I love, helping and serving others.  Not only did I begin doing what I love, soon after I unexpectedly got the opportunity to work with the spa brand of my dreams, a brand that will always be in my heart!  

All was going well in my world.  I was working, doing what I love, headed in the right direction but there was just one problem…things weren’t going as quickly as I expected them to go.  Meaning, I was working towards my dream but I felt like things were moving too slowly.  I thought “Maybe going back to the government for a year or two to increase my income would be a great idea!” “This way, I can save up a great deal of money to help the process happen a little faster!”  Bad idea!!!

Let me tell you, this was the worst thing I could have ever done!  This occurred back in 2019 and it was the most miserable year for me!  I remember my 35th birthday was approaching that year and instead of wanting to celebrate all I kept thinking was “another year has gone by and I’m not where I want to be yet.”  I applied for over 30 positions and nothing came of any of them!  Every single time I submitted an application it was like torture.  You see, simply put, I was out of alignment with God’s will for my life and I must be honest, I never prayed before I began applying. I just started to apply.  However, I must say that everytime I submitted an application I would say, “God, if this is not your will I don’t want it!”  Needless to say, it was not His will for me to go back to the government and later on that year I received the confirmation I needed.  I stopped applying and started focusing on what He called me to do!  To be more specific, He instructed me to stay connected, keep learning, keep doing and that’s exactly what I did and let me tell you, that following year in 2020 was a much better year and I knew, without a doubt, I was back in alignment with my purpose!  Thank goodness for what He didn’t allow! 

The moral of this short story is:  It’s never worth it to get ahead of God!  You’ll know when you’re headed in the right direction.  There will be peace in every season.  The moment you feel miserable or unhappy during your journey it’s time to check in with yourself.   No seriously, you need to do some soul searching and get connected with the source, whomever you believe in.  For me, it’s God.  He’ll never lead you in the wrong direction but you must seek Him first in all things.  Why?  Because His ways are better than ours and He sees the end from the beginning!  

Greatness requires a process and patience!  Don’t ever get ahead of God.  His timing is ALWAYS perfect!

Be sure to come back next week!  I can’t wait to tell you how ALL of my plans were interrupted and took a huge turn that required a big leap of faith!  Stay tuned in!  It’s going to be a good one!!