The Journey

Spa Consultants: Questions to Ask Before You Invest

Hello and Happy Wednesday!

I hope you all are having a great week!  In case you’ve been keeping up, yes, I’m still making great progress on my financial SBA Loan process.  It is still in the works and I can’t wait to share all of the details with you!  Trust me, we’re getting closer to the finish line with this particular part of the process…it’s long but worth it!

This week I want to talk about spa consultants.  Are they needed?  My answer to this question is it depends on the individual and his or her needs.  For me, I knew I wanted to make that investment early on.  I connected with a spa consultant about 2 years ago when I began writing my business plan to open my own business.  I needed guidance, accountability, and motivation while embarking on this journey.  You know, the road to entrepreneurship can feel like a lonely one so staying connected to people who have been where you’re trying to go & know more than you is so valuable. 

Choosing the right spa consultant could take some time.  There are many different things one should consider while choosing the right consultant for you and your business goals.  For example, are they a good fit for you, are they qualified in your industry (relevant experience), do they have good listening & communication skills, etc.   Below I would like to share some questions you can ask your prospective spa consultant to get to know them a little better and to ultimately help you make your final decision:

  • How do you feel you can be of benefit to the project and how do you intend to execute it?
  • Do you have a client list of projects he or she worked on in the past?
  • Tell me about your experience and more about your work process.  What happens if a client isn’t satisfied?  
  • What is your payment fee structure?
  • Do you receive compensation from vendors for making recommendations for their company?
  • Will you be willing to sign a confidentiality agreement if necessary?

Although these questions will help you get to know your potential consultant better you must keep in mind that no consultant is perfect.  They will have their own areas of expertise & strengths they bring to the table so take your time choosing the best match for you.  Choosing to partner with a spa consultant has been one of the best decisions I’ve made and I would highly recommend any aspiring spa owner to invest in one if you have the means to do so as it will definitely help contribute to your overall success!

Have a great week and let’s continue to make our dreams a reality together!  We are closer than we think!!