Here we are! Year 2020 has begun and was off to a great start, so I thought! I was expanding my connections (mainly on LinkedIn), I was staying connected (officially became a member of the International Spa Association (ISPA)), and was fully focused on my end goal, to become a franchise spa owner with the brand I loved so much!
Well, before you know the pandemic hit and shut the world down! You remember, no one could go anywhere, businesses had to close the doors, people were getting sick by the minute, and no one knew how any of this would end. I, too, was working, doing what I love and received the message that our spa had to close until further notice. So, to speed this up, after about 2 ½ months or so we were finally able to come back to work but of course the way we did things prior was completely different! Nevertheless, I was happy to be back!
Not even two weeks after I returned, my son somehow got a fever and I still do not know how to this day because my kids weren’t allowed to go anywhere during that time! Yes, I was that overly protected mom! Haha! I found myself right back at the house. Can I be honest? I was a bit upset with God. Navigating 2020 was difficult enough already. First, having the world shut down, to having to decide whether or not to send the kids to school, to trying to protect everyone the best I can from getting sick, and now suddenly finding myself back at the house! I was like, “God, what are you doing?” At this point I felt like everything was completely out of my control!
Well, it was during that time while I was at home that God gave me specific instruction. He told me that I was going to open my very own spa from the ground up and to be completely honest, I didn’t want to hear that! You see, I had my plan– to go the franchise route! This was something I had been planning for years now! Plus, I loved the people I worked with and couldn’t dare leave what I knew so well and was familiar with! Well, after much prayer and stillness I decided to follow His instruction and go where I know He was leading me. Somehow I found the courage to write my employers, who also became great friends, a letter and it was entitled “The Time Has Come.” I was so scared writing it and then, when I hit “send” I felt like I was about to throw up! Yikes! It’s not easy leaving what you are familiar with then stepping into the unknown but sometimes God has other plans for us! The question is, will you be obedient or will you continue to do it your way?! I chose to do it His way because His ways are always better than our own! It was a new beginning for me…same destination but a different route and although it’s been a crazy ride I know it’s leading me to my destiny! Sometimes you just got to do it scared and that’s what I chose to do with God by side each and every step of the way!
Next week, I’ll share what I did next! What actions I took and how I began to build my tribe because we all know we can’t do this thing alone! No way, no how!