The Journey

Patience During The Process

Good morning everyone!  I have to start out by saying that I truly missed you all last week!  One thing that I’ve learned is how to give yourself grace when you need it the most.  You see, I planned to have a new blog post up last week as I normally would but with school starting coupled with all of the other things going on behind the scenes with the business I was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed.  Everytime I stopped to write my mind was cluttered with so many things I needed to do that I felt a bit of anxiety trying to creep in.  My creative thoughts, as it relates to writing, wasn't giving what it normally gives so I decided to take a week off from posting!  Did I feel bad about it?  I actually did not.  I am a firm believer in giving yourself grace when you need it!  The old me would have felt guilty but as I get older I do believe in the importance of putting yourself first and last week I did just that.  Plus, I would never post something just to post it.  It must feel right and come from my heart as all my previous posts do!

Now that I’ve gotten that off of my chest let's talk about this week’s topic….having patience during the process.  I know they say great things take time but let’s face it, waiting is not easy to do!  I, personally, have been diligently waiting for the approval of something for my business for 6 weeks now!  Yes, six weeks!  It is needed in order to continue to move forward with making my dream a reality and unfortunately I have NO control over it.  I feel like it’s yet another test of my faith to see whether I’m going to keep the faith knowing that it’s already done or am I going to worry and stress out about it.  Well, I’ve wholeheartedly chosen to keep the faith knowing all things are working as they should and the approval will come in its set time!

On this journey I’m realizing that God will keep you in a position to have to depend on Him to do what He promised.  The moment we feel like we got this on our own is the day He’ll show us otherwise.  That way, when great things start to happen in our lives He gets all the glory for it!  

As I wait for good news I realize that He is working behind the scenes although I can’t see it!  Much like myself…I’m working every single day on plans for my dream but you can’t see it!  Each day gets me a step closer and closer.  Patience is not easy but after all I’ve experienced to get this far I know for sure that good things do come to those who wait!  

That is my encouragement to you today!  Good things come to those who wait!  Don’t get weary in well doing!  Keep working, keep staying focused on your end goal, and expect good things to happen every single day!

Continue to have the most amazing week and continue to be great as we strive, together, to achieve our dreams and live life to the full!

Be well, stay well!