The Journey

Nothing Will Be Wasted

So, here we are!  The year of 2023 has begun, my website has launched, I’m sharing my story in hopes to encourage and inspire others, then in February I received a call that “MY” space is available & was asked if I was still interested!  Without a doubt the answer was yes!!  Then reality set in that the process would have to start all over again!

I’ll never forget…last year when the banker gave me the news that my application was rejected I had to send 13 emails out to all of the individuals involved to make this dream happen!  It was dreadful.  Tears would stream down my face and I typed the words out informing them of the outcome and tears streamed down again as I received their responses!  Y’all I was a mess!  

One great thing that has happened as a result of the rejection and the pause is I’ve learned A LOT!  I’ve gotten much wiser and I’m able to handle things a bit differently this time around, but in a good way!  The first thing I did after agreeing to move forward with making my dreams a reality again is contact my financial consultant!  Financials are of EXTREME importance so updating my numbers was my first priority!  My business plan needed some tweaking too but since it’s a living document it will consistently receive updates!  It serves as my guide and I always keep it out and handy for when I need it!

The second thing on my list was to contact my contractor.  He wanted to complete another site visit so we set a date and time to meet up so the contract proposal could be updated accordingly!

The third thing I needed to do was contact my spa coach and mentor to update them on the latest!  This actually may have been the first, but nevertheless it was a must!  

The fourth was to find a designer and architect.  Once I decided who I wanted to potentially work with I reached out, set up a time to speak to them both, and moved forward.

As you can see, there are many moving parts to opening a spa!  It takes a team to make a dream like this happen and this isn’t even the full list of folks I needed to contact.  However, these were, indeed, the first!  

Today, I am continuing to move forward but with a different kind of boldness and faith this second time around!  I’m ready to show up as my full self & fulfill my purpose by helping others take care of themselves!  Although I didn’t fully understand back then, I can see today how everything I went through last year was working for my good and NOTHING was or will be wasted!

Things are starting to heat back up over here and I want to make sure I keep everyone who’s been taking the time to read my blog posts updated on the latest as things progress forward!

Keep moving forward y’all & remember no matter what your journey may bring, nothing will be wasted!!  See you next week!!

~Making our dreams a reality together!~