The Journey

It's Already Done

Hey and welcome back!  Last week, I mentioned that I was taking a bold move & that move was to begin the process to secure the funding needed to make my dream a reality, again!  It’s true, this is my second attempt to go after my dreams full force and although I believe with everything in me it’s still tough, it’s still a lot to accomplish, & it’s still a lot to process!  I’ve heard someone say, if it were easy everyone would be doing it!  

Today, I am deep into this process now.  A lot of moving parts and a lot of information is being gathered, submitted, reviewed, and picked through like a small tooth comb.  I’m not sure if you have ever experienced applying for any type of loan for BIG dreams but it is quite a laborious process and if you’re anything like me numbers ARE NOT my thing.  However, with that being said, numbers are one of the most important aspects of any startup business and yes I do understand them all!  I sort of feel like I may be an expert with numbers and projections at this point considering how long I’ve been working on my plans!  Just kidding!  Hahaha…

You know, this time around things are different and when I say different I mean that in a good way!  This time around I'm stronger, more prepared, more knowledgeable, my faith is stronger, and I have a new mindset.  I’m moving forward now with a new boldness & new strategy!  I know for sure this time things are going to work out just as they should.  Mark my words.  It’s already done!!  However, we still must do our part and this is an example of me doing my part and leaving the rest up to Him!  

I don’t know what you may be experiencing right now in your personal journey but here’s some encouragement…IT’S ALREADY DONE!!!  Do what you can with what you have and allow God to do the rest!  And if, by chance, there is something you don’t know how to do on your own, get connected to someone who can help you!  There is no need to worry and there is no need to fear!  You’re right where you’re supposed to be!  Continue to stay focused and walk in your purpose and let’s make our dreams a reality together!

Come back next week and I’ll update you on this faith walk & my journey!  I’m hoping and believing in a great outcome.  I’m so happy to be able to take this journey with you!  Yes, sharing my story is still a little uncomfortable for me but remember, the creation of this blog/platform was God-led and I decided to be obedient & get out of my comfort zone!  It is my hope that sharing my story encourages and inspires you and serves as a reminder that you are not alone!!!

P.S.  The phrase “It’s Already Done” has been ringing in my spirit since this past Friday.  So much so that I even wrote those exact words in my journal on 4/7/23.  Then, it just so happened to be the title of our pastor’s message on Easter Sunday!  Therefore, it was only right that my next post was entitled the same!  Y’all, it’s already done and I truly believe this will all of my heart & I hope you do too!!!  Let’s get it!!!