Hi there! Can you believe it? It’s been 6 months since I launched my blog site to begin sharing my journey of becoming a spa owner! It sure doesn't feel like 6 months have passed but it has and to be honest, I’m proud of myself for getting uncomfortable. Let me remind you…
This blog site idea was birthed during a season of “pause.” It was something I felt led to do but the idea of putting myself out there made me very nervous, scared, and extremely vulnerable. So much so that I almost talked myself out of it! Yes, I know! But it’s true!
Starting my blog gave me a sense of freedom. Not only was it a way to take “action” but it allowed me to show up to the world as my full self. You see, everyone knows me as a wife, mother, sport’s mom, and one that worked in the spa industry but many didn’t know me as “The Aspiring Owner.” To be honest, I didn’t share much of my end goal because, again, I wanted to stay comfortable. I had the mindset of “people will find out my story when my spa opens.” Well, I guess God had other plans!
In addition to all of this, opening up to share my journey helped to increase my faith and encouraged me to make those bold moves as well! It’s funny how things work that way! …the thing I was scared to do is the same thing that pushed me further into my purpose! Is my blog site perfect? No. But it is a start and it can only get better and better from here!!! If I can give you any advice…stay uncomfortable! That’s when the growth happens!
The truth is, our stories have the power to help someone else. Our stories are inspiring, uplifting, and encouraging so it’s imperative that we get out of our comfort zones and do what we feel the next step is and in my case it was “share your journey.”
From the very beginning my hope was to encourage and inspire others on their journey so you don’t feel alone! I can see that people are accessing my site but you never know who it’s helping, unless they have the courage to let you know! I started with the mindset of…if sharing my story helps at least one person then it was worth it and it still rings true today! I encourage you to let me know if my stories helped you in some way! I would love to hear!
I have been on this journey for about 14 years now and I’m not stopping until my dreams are manifested. I know I keep saying it but I’m closer today than I’ve ever been! You know how I know…because SO MUCH progress has happened in these past 6 months! I had NO idea any of this would happen when I launched but I was obedient and as soon my site got up and running God started moving in miraculous ways!
My question to you is… Are you staying comfortable? Are you sitting on something you know you should have taken action on? If so, I encourage you today to take that next step! We will never have all the answers but if you walk by faith and not by site I promise you’ll see things begin to move in your life. I’m a living witness!
Stay uncomfortable! I’ll see you next week!