The Journey

From Fear To Peace

Fear and Peace– two words (or should I say) feelings we’ll experience at some point on our journeys.  Sometimes, we find ourselves experiencing fear when we step outside of our comfort zones to take that big leap into the unknown.

This was me in 2020 when I took the leap by ending my current job in the spa industry to follow my heart and start planning to open my very own spa business.  I was so full of fear I found myself purchasing Joyce Meyer’s book entitled “Do It Afraid” to help overcome those negative thoughts I knew deep down were untrue but would still enter my mind.  It helped me tremendously and I would highly recommend it!  

There I was again, in 2022, being fearful & full of worry while going through the same process I’m experiencing now…securing capital. I remember being full of doubt & fear wondering if I would get the approval needed to move forward with my dreams. Although I knew my numbers and planned very well I was still stressed out during and after every financial meeting. I guess you can say I let F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) get the best of me. I wanted to move forward and make my dreams a reality but clearly my mind was not in the right place…

Today, I can truly say that I’m operating in a place of PEACE.  How did I get here?  I’m glad you asked!  The short answer…I had to get still.  I had to pray and seek God, listen to His voice and see where He was leading me.  When this happened my faith increased, my mindset was transformed, and I developed this knowing & a peace I can’t explain.  This “knowing” that I have is gifted me with much peace this second time around.  My mind went from “I wonder if this will happen” to "I know it’s going to happen.”  Every business meeting I have now I handle with such ease & grace.  I’m no longer stressed out about this lengthy financial process (and yes this is a long process).  I have patience, not worry.  Faith, not doubt!  

It wasn't easy getting to this place.  You see, you truly have to work on your mind & your spirit as you are building your business or whatever it is you’re working towards!  Last year and prior to that I was moving forward in faith but it was “shaky.”  For example, I would believe, then doubt immediately after, especially when something didn’t go as planned.  You must do the work on yourself in order to get to a place of peace and truly believe that you deserve to live the life you’ve always dreamed of.  It takes work to be able to move forward with boldness, confidence, and a knowing in order to show up in all your fullness and live a life of abundance!

When your mind, thoughts, and actions line up with the will of God, that's when you move in harmony and you have peace during the process!  

If you find yourself experiencing fear, doubt, worry, or maybe you feel unmotivated I encourage you to get still.  Carve out time in your day to be alone to listen.  Seek God first and I promise you He will guide you along the way.  In addition to this, I have a list of scriptures I read anytime those feelings “try” to creep up…yes they will try from time to time!  Scriptures will encourage, uplift, and remind you of who you are & what you’re capable of!  Lastly, surround yourself with people who will cheer you on and support you and all of your dreams, even if they seem crazy to them.  

When you can move forward with peace even when everything proves you should be stressed all the way out, that's when you know you’re in alignment and now you can enjoy the journey and all that it brings!

Be encouraged while we continue our journey together!

Update: I’m still undergoing the SBA loan process.  It’s a long one but I know it will be worth it in the end!!  Stay tuned…