The Journey

Faith and Business

Hey there and welcome back!  I hope you are still working hard to achieve your goals.  I honestly can’t believe that July is almost over!  Time is flying by and waiting for no one so we must continue to live life and live it more abundantly!!!

I felt it in my heart to talk about faith and business this week.  Faith has played such a huge part in my journey of becoming who I was created to be so it only makes sense.  There is NO way I would be today, typing this message on a blog to share my story and undergoing a process to secure funding for my business had it not been for my strong faith!  What is faith?  Faith is having hope & believing in something you can’t see.  You can imagine it, you can dream it, but it hasn't manifested yet!  If you’re reading this I’m sure you, too, can relate and agree that having faith is needed to help keep you moving forward.  

On my journey there are countless times where I had to depend fully on my faith even when it didn’t make any sense.  Let’s make it real.  Here are some examples:   when the dream was planted in my heart in 2009 and it didn’t make sense because I didn’t know much about spas, when God told me it was time to leave my current job to begin working on your own business (very uncomfortable), when God told me to start the blog to begin sharing my journey & my business isn’t opened yet (let’s just say terrified), when my first attempt at securing a loan was rejected (completely crushed & wanted to give up), and so many more but I’ll stop there.  All of these moments in my life required MUCH faith to get through.  I was able to keep the faith during these times because I stayed connected spiritually with God through prayer, by talking with him, and seeking His guidance everyday.  Although none of these experiences were comfortable I knew that if God was leading me to do these things or allowing these instances to occur it had to be for a reason and would all work for my good.  Don’t try to understand it while you’re going through it…we won’t be able to.  Just know that you’ll understand it as time goes on.  Your job is just to keep moving forward no matter what!

I like to tell people that my business is built on passion and purpose but it’s my FAITH that keeps me going.  Y’all, the journey will not be easy.  He never promised it would be.  BUT it will be worth it in the end.  My advice to you is keep the faith.  Never stop believing in your dreams!  Stay connected to a higher source…for me, that God.  I look to him for direction and He always provides me with specific instructions, always!  However, you must to be ready for whatever it is He leads you to do.  In most cases it will be uncomfortable but remember…His ways are better than ours.  He sees the end from the beginning so trust Him!  Keep believing.  Never give up and know that it will ALL be worth it!

Keep the faith!!!!  

See y’all next week!  Be well and be blessed!!