The Journey

Divine Connections

Hi there!  I hope your week is going well thus far!  Things are still progressing and moving in the right direction!  Let me remind you, I started my SBA loan process in early April in efforts to gain capital for my business & yes, we are still at it today.  I keep telling myself that great things take time.  There are a lot of moving parts requiring efforts from many individuals that are involved and although this may be true I have been able to successfully maintain it all.  It’s a wonderful thing to be moving forward in your purpose and doing so with grace and peace, knowing that God is with me everywhere I go!

This week I want to talk about divine connections and how significant they are on our journey!  It’s true that God will allow certain opportunities to pass you by because He has something better.  This was the case for me!  Last year I had chosen a particular architect to work with.  If you’ve been keeping up you know that things didn’t work out as I thought and today I’m completing the process all over again.  Well, this year when I tried contacting that same architect to work with but he would never respond.  I emailed, called, and emailed again.  No response.  It didn’t take me long to realize that “maybe this is not the architect for me afterall.”  

Fast forward to today, I found yet another architect to potentially do business with and let me tell you…I see why things didn’t work out with the first option I chose.  From day one, this new business I found was an absolute delight to work with!  Not only have they been quite responsive, professional, and have the experience needed they believe in me, my vision and have spoken so much of life & positivity towards me & my business!  They have a heart for what they do and honestly it feels like I’ve known them my entire life!  I’ve had the opportunity to meet them in person during a recent site visit and boy was it a success!  No doubt, this business relationship was meant to be!  I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to work with God-fearing people who are faith-filled.  It truly makes all the difference! 

I didn’t understand at the beginning why the first architect wouldn’t return my call but today I can clearly see why!  It just wasn’t meant to be and He had something better in store.  This is an example of how “we” can plan but we also must realize that our steps are ordered by God.  Yes, I had a plan (and I always do) but His plan is always best & will prevail!  Some business relationships are divinely orchestrated by God, and trust me…you’ll know which ones that are! They’re just different but in such a great way!  If/When you ever find yourself in a situation where you feel rejected in some way just remember that God has a better plan!  We may not understand it in the present but I promise you will understand it as time passes by!  I’m a living witness!

Let’s continue to make our dreams a reality together! Dream big and while you’re dreaming take action! Do something everyday to get you a step closer to your end goal! My hope for you today is that you are connected to the right individuals while on your journey of becoming who you were created to be! Remember, rejection is God's protection! He is with you everywhere you go so don’t worry! He’s got you!

See you next week!  Be well!!!