The Journey

Be Careful of What You Pray For--It Just Might Happen

Hi there!  So last week I mentioned how I transitioned to the industry with the opportunity to work for a very well known spa brand here in Atlanta and how this was the beginning of me doing what I love!  I also shared a picture showing me in my element while pregnant with my second son.  Well, that very next year in 2015 my son was born and during maternity leave I got a call from someone letting me know that a Woodhouse Spa was opening in Atlanta.  What???  Now, remember in my previous post I mentioned how I prayed for God to allow me the opportunity to work at a Woodhouse location prior to opening my own?!  I couldn't believe it!  I remember saying these exact words on that particular day, “I must have the owner’s number so I can give them a call” with hopes of becoming a part of the team!  

So what did I do next when I hung up the phone??? I called up the new owners!  Yep!  Just like that.  I was super nervous, but still trying to be brave at the same time!  To make a long story short, I got the interview & started working with them!  Seriously, I couldn’t believe that the very thing I prayed for years prior was actually happening!  Be careful what you pray for!  At this point, God was blowing my mind!   I knew I was right where I needed to be, headed in the right direction.  

I have to say, I will always remember my days at Woodhouse.  I worked with the best team, gained a wealth of knowledge & hands-on experience, had the opportunity to attend the Woodhouse family reunion (another thing I prayed for that came true), and had the opportunity to meet the founder who also believed in me and my dream.  It’s true, Woodhouse will always hold a special place in my heart!  God had me in the palm of His hands the whole time, and still does!

You’ll see as my story continues that my season at the Woodhouse came to an unexpected end in 2020!  Ironically, it was the end but also a new beginning that I wasn’t expecting!  

I promise you, the story keeps getting better and better! Next week I’ll be talking about how I tried to take matters into my own hands and speed up the process!  Just know that was a horrible idea and I can’t wait to share this lesson learned!

Below I’ve shared with you some of my Woodhouse memories that mean the world and will last a lifetime!

My first day at work as Spa Coordinator!!
Attending my first WH reunion!
I finally had the opportunity to meet Jeni!