The Journey

A Bold Move

I said it last week and I’ll say it again…Nothing [we go through] Will Be Wasted! Today, I’m continuing to move forward with a level of boldness that I can’t quite explain! My mindset is different this time around and my level of faith is greater than it has ever been.

This week I will make a bold move! This week I will officially begin the application process required to secure the capital needed to fund my dream! It’s still nerve wracking when I think about starting that process all over again but being nervous is normal…worrying isn’t! I have been working diligently since February 1st of this year to update all of my information needed to move forward, mainly my business plan, financial projections, and some other important supporting documentation as well. I am on a mission and I will not stop until my assignment is complete! I have prepared, planned, received wise counsel, and have remained faithful when I lost all hope! Maybe last year was a test, a test to see how serious I was about fulfilling my purpose…to see if I would give up when things didn't turn out how I expected or if I would keep going in spite of the circumstances?! Well, I’m still here pressing forward and I knew the day would come at some point to get the ball rolling again and here we are!

Yes, this is truly a walk of faith.  I still don’t know what the outcome will be but I do know that God is with me throughout this entire process and He knows what’s best!  In order for us to receive all of what God has for us we must step out, take those chances and see what happens, even if it’s uncomfortable!  There are no limits when you’re determined to do whatever it takes to achieve your dreams!

So this week, I’m expecting the unexpected.  This week I’m ready for whatever comes my way!  This week I will continue to press on even when it gets hard.  This week I will focus only on what I can control!  This week I will step out, again, with BIG faith and watch God do the rest!  This week I will make a bold move!!! 

Let’s continue to make our dreams a reality together!  Remember, we are closer than we think but you must believe!!!!  I look forward to you coming back next week to see what happens next!